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professional teachers’ union
教协  detail>>
teachers union
教师工会  detail>>
professional association of teachers
教师联合会  detail>>
professional dance teachers association
专业舞蹈教师协会  detail>>
caribbean union of teachers
加勒比教师联合会  detail>>
newark teachers union
纽瓦克教师联合会  detail>>
west bank teachers union
约旦河西岸地区教师联合会  detail>>
world union of catholic teachers
世界天主教教师联盟 世界天主教教员联合会  detail>>
world union of hebrew teachers
世界希伯来语教师联盟  detail>>
zambia national union of teachers
赞比亚全国教师联合会  detail>>
international professional skating union
国际职业滑冰联合会  detail>>
16集 教师(总称) 教育工作者 烂校良师 为师不遵 第一季  detail>>
to the teachers
对老师说起来  detail>>
 adj.  1.职业的,专业的,专职的 (opp. amateurish); 本职的,专门的。 2.从事(需要知识修养的)专门职业的;业务上的;同行中的。&n...  detail>>
the professional
杀手莱昂 杀手里昂 这个杀手不太冷 终极追杀令  detail>>
in union
一致地, 融洽地  detail>>
三通接头 型接管 形接管  detail>>
t-union t
型接管 形接管  detail>>